Monday 11 May 2015

The Veggetti

The Veggetti turns vegetables into healthy spaghetti.  Its fast and easy, no batteries required and it has an ergonomic grip.  Just put the vegetable in one end and twist to form thin spaghetti strands or thicker fettuccine strands. 

Yes I was sucked into the buy one get one free deal.  Some of my family are vegan so we thought it would be a nice gift while at the same time we could eat healthier also.  I tried it for the first time tonight.  I was making Spaghetti Bolognese and thought it time I give it a go.  Here is my take on the Veggetti.

  1. The Veggetti turns vegetables into healthy spaghetti.  Yes it does and it is a lot quicker cooking time wise as well.
  2. Its fast and easy  Hmm not really.  You really have to put a lot of effort into it depending on the vegetable.  You have to push down and twist at the same time.  There is a hand grip with spikes that pushes into the vegetable but for some reason it only works on the fat end of a carrot.  It seems to twist itself around within the vegetable (as it did with my normal and sweet potatoes and I didn't dare use it on the zucchini). 
  3. no batteries required  Batteries would be handy or a power chord so that it can be done like a juicing machine style set up without twisting your wrist off in the process.
  4. it has an ergonomic grip  The grip is wonderfully ergonomic however the hand grip thing that sticks into the vegetable is definitely not.  I have RSI and a whole day of constant typing would have been preferred to the amount of effort to get harder veggies to turn, especially when you had to resort to turning with your hand because the grip wouldn't work.
  5. Just put the vegetable in one end and twist  Just put the vegetable in one end, push down on it, twist and hope that it will turn easy.  
Zucchini is definitely the easiest.  It is the right shape and size, and being a soft vegetable,  it runs through quite easily.  This is why they are constantly showing you how to use the machine on the video's with a zucchini. 

Carrot, depends on the size of the carrot.  If you have skinny, lanky, chicken leg looking carrot, don't even try.  The result looks like something that is grated and probably would have been a lot better for your wrist and time if you had grated it.  Less wastage as well.

Potatoes are not the best shape wise for this.  Ideally it would be nice if potatoes grew perfectly round so that you can get that perfect, uninterrupted spaghetti strand but nature doesn't think that way.  To get the perfect potato one you would need to get a large potato and trim it into a cylindrical shape that will twist easily.  Use a zucchini as a guide.  This obviously causes a lot of wastage.

I started tonight with sweet potato.  It was so big I cut it in quarters.  It was then I realised that it was not round and therefore I am really just doing extra long grated lengths rather than spaghetti.   It was also very hard so I gave up on it and went for the carrot.

I put the skinny end of the carrot in and tried to twist it so that the carrot remained on the cutter at all times.  This would require a lot of practice.  Again it looked more like extra long gratings.  Eventually I chopped off the skinny end and put in the fat end.  This went through nicely and I even successfully used the hand grip.  Unfortunately the cutting stops once the hand grip reaches the top edge of the machine so you end up with cone shaped carrot about 6cm long.  More wastage unless you eat as you cook.

Next I tried a standard white starchy potato.  I cut it to fit but even then it would not twist easy.  I used the hand grip, but it twisted around in the top of the potato.  I ended up grabbing the dishcloth and twisting it as it gave a lot more grip.  Unfortunately I found myself constantly having to trim the outer edge so I gave up and just grated it.

My spaghetti for the night ended up being long bits of carrot, long bits of zucchini, shavings of potato, sweet potato and carrot.  All in all it was a lovely meal, I just think that grating would have achieved the same result in less time.

I did throw the veggies directly into the meat to cook so next time I might try and pan fry them first.  That is, if I can be bothered breaking a wrist again.

Overall I think the price you pay (even getting one free) is a bit rich.  If they have a sale where it is buy one get two free, it might be worth it.

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