Grrrr to bloggers repositioning yet again.
The Naturopath put me on a the elimination diet for 2 weeks stating that the average weight loss is 3-5kg for those 2 weeks. I inwardly laughed when I heard this as I tend not to lose that quick. Normally it would take 10 months for me to lose 3-5kgs. I go to seem him once a fortnight but didn't start the diet until halfway through a fortnight due to my birthday and other celebrations. I rocked up at his office a week later only to tell him the good news: I had stuck to the diet, given up the iced coffee, drunk 2 or more litres of water a day (hadn't quite got into the exercise groove though) and guess what ... I gained 500gr. He told me that in the 11 years he has been handing out this diet no-one has ever gained weight. I felt like saying welcome to the contradiction of my life.
The below page is how I felt. I was telling myself that like everything else this would not work. The difference was that I was determined to make it work and try and put that old thinking behind me (go the Biggest Loser for teaching me that one) so this page represents that battle.
Then a week later I have lost 2kg. YAY! First time in ages I have lost weight that quick so I decided that what and dairy just don't agree with me and have continued with the diet to the best of my ability (sometimes you just gotta have wheat because there is no alternative). I have also been watching the Biggest Loser Master Class and printing off their recipes. Mmmm they have some yummy stuff.
Have seen Zumba advertised on TV and because I love dancing and once upon a time actually started learning Street Latin, I just had to get the DVDs. I got the basic kit which is about 4-5 different sessions. There is an instructional DVD that slowly takes you through the basic movements. Most I can get but some I have to learn. This instructional goes for about 60 minutes ... I think. I can just make it through 20 minutes if I go full on with the moves and don't slow down. Love it though.
My Aunty Dawn has always been solid and then fat. I think I take after her in her ability to gain weight. Most of you know she was diagnosed with Motor Neurone disease last November and passed away March 9 this year. On March 8 I went to visit her and told her that I had lost 4kg altogether. I have a feeling she knew she wouldn't be around to see me reach even my first weight loss goal, because she cried when I told her. Normally she would be very happy for me. She loved her roses and she loved purple, hence the page below.
Well the next two images say it all really. I was so excited to have lost 5.5kg altogether only to gain a kg and then lose only 500gr.
The week before Easter long weekend I started walking with some of the girls at work. Only fat people allowed because skinning people walk to fast! :) That is what one of the girls said anyway. Each day we walk a good 30-40 mins, half of that going up quite a steep hill (we do that first so coming back is easy). On the Thursday I had 2 tiny Easter eggs and that was it. Weighing myself was disappointing but not disappointing. You see all week I have noticed that my pants are a lot loser (to the point where they nearly fell off my hips - thank God for safety pins in the medical box). I am trying to convince myself that maintaining the weight is due to building muscle. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it. :)
Well that brings us up to date now with the diet diary. I will weigh in tomorrow (cross fingers) and make another page about this last week. Kinda went back to the iced coffee this week so not sure how I will go.
No one has been walking at work so I have come home and taken the dogs for a good 40 minute walk. It is good practice because I have signed up with our corporate team for the RSPCA Million Paws walk (click the link above to donate). Bo is a little short to go the full distance so mum purchased a doggy sling and she gets carried the last half of the walk. The first day she wasn't sure of it but the next couple of days she was asking to go in it. Lazy thing! She might be small but she weighs a tonne. The below photos are of me and Bo after todays walk. By the way I haven't been able to wear that pink T-shirt or tracky pants for a year at least. Yes i am standing slightly side on and sucking in the belly. Look good don't I!!! LOL