This first photo is just a general shot of the back yard with the sun streaming through the fog.
This is a lovely shot of the fence. Yes the fog particles (I am sure there is a more scientific name) could be seen moving so I took the photo. The fence is only 2m from me.
We have chicken fencing up around a small section of the yard that really is supposed to be the vegie patch but we have decided to specialise in weeds instead. Anyway I couldn't resist this on the fence. I wish my macro was better.
My ultimate goal photography wise was to get pristine web (poor hungry spider somewhere) shining in the sun. Problem was that to get the shot it was hard to get to. I was using mums little pocket camera (you know the sort that has no eye hole to view but you can't see the screen because of the glare). I had the sun in my eyes and could not make out what I was taking. I also had my arm out with my hand shaking. What I thought would be a deletable photo ended up being my favourite one (actually I planned the while thing - right down to the fruit hanging in the right position). Can't see much of the web but I think that is the beauty of it. It makes you look harder.
As you can see I finally got in a position to get a good shot of the web.
On another note I have been having some more messy fun today in prep for my class tomorrow. I will be going and doing some more work on the album for Ruth this afternoon and possibly taking some photo's. She can't wait for Christmas she has to see it now! ;0)
Great photos Kerin!
Oh Kerin, the pictures were so beautiful. I wish that my granddaughter's Mom was still alive to see those pictures. She was a photographer, an awesome one I think.
[I sure miss her]. She would have loved these.
I don't even know how to take a picture as my Lee did that, and I was a dud! My little camera is so old.
Love yah & Mum!
Hey Kerin, love the spiderweb shot. Glad you are having fun with Viv's classes.
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