Saturday, 23 May 2009
Treat Time
Not unlike the evenings, each morning Rambo must have a tablet which in turn means all must get a treat. Bo knows the treat bags well. Mum out them on the floor while giving Rambo his tablet. Bo managed to get one of the packets open and kept snuffling around to get her nose in it. I ran to get the camera (too cute not too). As I came back, she grabbed the packet in her mouth and ran to the other side of the house. Below is Bo getting her snout into the bag. Ashe had to shove her nose in deep to get the denta bones out but she succeeded and they were promptly confiscated! Somewhere in all of this caos Rambo managed to swipe half of Tessa's treat which is highly unusual. Poor Tess was looking around wondering where the other half was that she dropped and Rambo has run off with it. I have that on video but the video is too large to upload.

Thursday, 21 May 2009
The week thus far...
This week has been rather eventful so I thought I would go day by day:
This was the best day so far but also the day that broke the bank. It is the day that breaks the bank every year really and the is the annual craft and quilt fair. Since I did photography at TAFE I have had my eye on an easy to use angle mat board cutter. It is so much cheaper than getting a framer to do it for you and the tool is easier than the one at TAFE! Yes this year I gave in and purchased it. Considering I now have an ABN I can probably get it off on tax. Below are some photo's of embossed paper, funky ribbons, stamps and other things that were purchased. Oh yeah instead of stork scissors now you can by scissoroo scissors.
One other thing is that we found out that WA is not going to have daylight savings next year. This doesn't really worry me but I feel for those who have business affiliations with the Eastern States as it will make us 3 hours behind.

Got to work only to hear my Manager walking around saying that our department will be sticking to daylight savings time next summer. Not happy with that. I will be an hour out of whack with the rest of my own state! It also means I will be at work at 6:30am. I'M A NIGHT PERSON DAMMIT!
This was also the day I got my chocolate in the mail. If you don't know about it then read the blog entry titled Email Woopsie.
Went to a telephone etiquette course (did these once a year with the Bank). It was a good day off work. I got to sleep in. There were only 3 of us in the class. We had bells on our table that we had to ring to acknowledge someone who provided a good answer to a question (lame). By the end of the day we were just hitting them for fun. We even hit our own bells to acknowledge ourselves!!!
Nothing much today. I made up 5 pages of photos to print out for inchies.
Over night there had been some strong winds and some rain. I noticed as I pulled into the car park that it was flooded and that the drains were not coping. The water wasn't deep but it covered my feet and I had to walk barefoot to the stairwell. I noticed a loud sound like water fall as I got out of the car and noticed that there was heaps of water gushing out of a down pipe, into the sand garden and then into the car park. Found out where the water was coming from. Let me tell you, bare feet on concrete that never gets wet (because it is covered parking) tend to slip thanks to the buildup of oil. It was really slimy but thanks to the garden losing it's sand I had a couple of sand bars to walk on. And so it was that I walked into work barefoot. Dean comes in around 3 am (don't know why) and he said the building had been without water since he had been in. I knew there had not been enough rain over night for this sort of damage so we figured it was a burst pipe. It was, and it was not fixed until after lunch.
If you haven't guessed it by now the fact that the building had no water meant no toilets. By 9am I was bursting. We were given permission to leave the building and go to the shopping centre a few minutes walk away or to the park loo's. I chose the park one because it was closer and electric. The door opens onto a main road and remains open until someone closes it. Therefore the rain had gotten in (at least I hope it was the rain). The floor was disgusting, the seat was wet, the toilet paper was thinner than tissue paper and the toilet was not within reaching distance of the button for the door in case it decided to open. I must admit I was tempted considering my condition at the time but I just couldn't bring myself so I went to the shopping centre instead. Once I sat, I was in Heaven.
Just before lunch the wind picked up big time and the rain came down. The rain didn't know where it was going thanks to the wind. It was going in all directions, even up!
At the end of the day the car park was void of water but full of garden gunk.
When I arrived home mum had managed to get Bo to the vets where she had a trim and a check over. Well it was supposed to be a trim. The groomer took one look at her, felt the thickness of her coat near her skin and said, "she's getting shaved." After that she met the vet and got her vaccinations. She is also now the second dog in the house on tablets because she has a not so nice rash on her skin that was hidden by her fur. If the antibiotics don't work she will be put on cortisone (she can share Rambo's). The vet also checked out her limp and it sounds like her knee cap is getting displaced. If she continues to limp then she could get really bad arthritis so it may mean an opperation.
Of course she won the hearts of every one at the vets. While mum was paying for her she kept running out the back to see everyone. :) My other dogs can't wait to leave the place.
Below are some photo's of Bo's new do. You can see her rash in some of the pictures and apparently she is too fat so she will be coming on daily walks with the fatties of the house: me, mum and Tess. The first photo shows off her belly well and truly. The funny thing about her hairdo is that to the other dogs it's like she is a new dog. They are following her everywhere.

Now we can't decide what she looks like ... the vet thought a wombat and mum thinks she has a rabbits stocky body with a possums face. I think she looks just fine. No more sleeping at the front door for the draft to cool her off though. She sticking to the room with the heater.
Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. Hopefully it will be peaceful.
This was the best day so far but also the day that broke the bank. It is the day that breaks the bank every year really and the is the annual craft and quilt fair. Since I did photography at TAFE I have had my eye on an easy to use angle mat board cutter. It is so much cheaper than getting a framer to do it for you and the tool is easier than the one at TAFE! Yes this year I gave in and purchased it. Considering I now have an ABN I can probably get it off on tax. Below are some photo's of embossed paper, funky ribbons, stamps and other things that were purchased. Oh yeah instead of stork scissors now you can by scissoroo scissors.
One other thing is that we found out that WA is not going to have daylight savings next year. This doesn't really worry me but I feel for those who have business affiliations with the Eastern States as it will make us 3 hours behind.
Got to work only to hear my Manager walking around saying that our department will be sticking to daylight savings time next summer. Not happy with that. I will be an hour out of whack with the rest of my own state! It also means I will be at work at 6:30am. I'M A NIGHT PERSON DAMMIT!
This was also the day I got my chocolate in the mail. If you don't know about it then read the blog entry titled Email Woopsie.
Went to a telephone etiquette course (did these once a year with the Bank). It was a good day off work. I got to sleep in. There were only 3 of us in the class. We had bells on our table that we had to ring to acknowledge someone who provided a good answer to a question (lame). By the end of the day we were just hitting them for fun. We even hit our own bells to acknowledge ourselves!!!
Nothing much today. I made up 5 pages of photos to print out for inchies.
Over night there had been some strong winds and some rain. I noticed as I pulled into the car park that it was flooded and that the drains were not coping. The water wasn't deep but it covered my feet and I had to walk barefoot to the stairwell. I noticed a loud sound like water fall as I got out of the car and noticed that there was heaps of water gushing out of a down pipe, into the sand garden and then into the car park. Found out where the water was coming from. Let me tell you, bare feet on concrete that never gets wet (because it is covered parking) tend to slip thanks to the buildup of oil. It was really slimy but thanks to the garden losing it's sand I had a couple of sand bars to walk on. And so it was that I walked into work barefoot. Dean comes in around 3 am (don't know why) and he said the building had been without water since he had been in. I knew there had not been enough rain over night for this sort of damage so we figured it was a burst pipe. It was, and it was not fixed until after lunch.
If you haven't guessed it by now the fact that the building had no water meant no toilets. By 9am I was bursting. We were given permission to leave the building and go to the shopping centre a few minutes walk away or to the park loo's. I chose the park one because it was closer and electric. The door opens onto a main road and remains open until someone closes it. Therefore the rain had gotten in (at least I hope it was the rain). The floor was disgusting, the seat was wet, the toilet paper was thinner than tissue paper and the toilet was not within reaching distance of the button for the door in case it decided to open. I must admit I was tempted considering my condition at the time but I just couldn't bring myself so I went to the shopping centre instead. Once I sat, I was in Heaven.
Just before lunch the wind picked up big time and the rain came down. The rain didn't know where it was going thanks to the wind. It was going in all directions, even up!
At the end of the day the car park was void of water but full of garden gunk.
When I arrived home mum had managed to get Bo to the vets where she had a trim and a check over. Well it was supposed to be a trim. The groomer took one look at her, felt the thickness of her coat near her skin and said, "she's getting shaved." After that she met the vet and got her vaccinations. She is also now the second dog in the house on tablets because she has a not so nice rash on her skin that was hidden by her fur. If the antibiotics don't work she will be put on cortisone (she can share Rambo's). The vet also checked out her limp and it sounds like her knee cap is getting displaced. If she continues to limp then she could get really bad arthritis so it may mean an opperation.
Of course she won the hearts of every one at the vets. While mum was paying for her she kept running out the back to see everyone. :) My other dogs can't wait to leave the place.
Below are some photo's of Bo's new do. You can see her rash in some of the pictures and apparently she is too fat so she will be coming on daily walks with the fatties of the house: me, mum and Tess. The first photo shows off her belly well and truly. The funny thing about her hairdo is that to the other dogs it's like she is a new dog. They are following her everywhere.
Now we can't decide what she looks like ... the vet thought a wombat and mum thinks she has a rabbits stocky body with a possums face. I think she looks just fine. No more sleeping at the front door for the draft to cool her off though. She sticking to the room with the heater.
Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. Hopefully it will be peaceful.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Feeding Frenzy
Each night Rambo has to have tablets. He hates them so we give him a treat. Tess has always thought it unfair that he gets the tablets and a treat (she'll eat anything) so she gets a treat at least. Now we add Bo to the mix. Tonight she tried opening the treat bag while mum was dishing out tablets. It was so funny. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of that. The below shots are of the feeding frenzy.

This one is for Tess but Bo thinks it's for her.

Bo with her treat.
Tess and Rambo waiting rather patiently for theirs
All waiting patiently, hoping in anticipation the next treat comes to them.
Lucky last to the old man of the house.
One more thing to clarify. A couple of you have referred to Bo as a he. Bo is in fact a gorgeous little she. :)
Monday, 18 May 2009
Email Woopsie
Last week I was sure the God of Chocolate was out to get me for no longer adhearing to his demands. You see I found a mint in the vending machine at work that was very like an after dinner mint. It has the smallest amount of chocolate and a lovely gooey minty centre. The best thing is that fat and calorie wise it fitted my diet perfectly.
So it was that on Tuesday last week I put my money in the machine and it promptly ate it. It didn't even try to move the packet along. No it stood there and gloated in it's mechanical stubbornness to provide me with my much needed sweet fix. Kicking it was useless because there was nothing to budge.
Back to my desk I trudged, most unhappy I was now coinless and mintless. I typed reception in the email TO box and it automatically populated the address for me. I promptly wrote that 'the nasty vending machine ate my money and didn't give me my chocolate. I really need my chocolate.' I even included an unhappy face for emphasis.
It was about half an hour later that I received and email back: "I am not sure what you want me to do about your money but I could possibly drop a chocolate into the office in the next day or so. Graeme would like to know if it was a Twix you were trying to get. Apparently there is a Sienfeld show where George is obsessed with trying to get his Twix out of the vending machine. Yours sincerely, Maryanne."
Yes when I typed in reception the inevitable happened ... it went to the reception email of one of our members instead of the reception in our building. Luckily for me I know these members quite well. To make matters worse, at the bottom of the email was Maryanne's photograph with this huge grin. It was her standard signature at the bottom of her emails however this time I knew it was laughing at me.
To cut the story short I phone them and we had a good laugh about it. This morning however I got handed a package. I never get mail at work so this was an unusual occurrence. By now you have most likely guessed that Graeme had sent me a chocolate. I was half expecting it to be a Twix but it was a boost, and equally as yummy (but sooo against my diet).
So it was that on Tuesday last week I put my money in the machine and it promptly ate it. It didn't even try to move the packet along. No it stood there and gloated in it's mechanical stubbornness to provide me with my much needed sweet fix. Kicking it was useless because there was nothing to budge.
Back to my desk I trudged, most unhappy I was now coinless and mintless. I typed reception in the email TO box and it automatically populated the address for me. I promptly wrote that 'the nasty vending machine ate my money and didn't give me my chocolate. I really need my chocolate.' I even included an unhappy face for emphasis.
It was about half an hour later that I received and email back: "I am not sure what you want me to do about your money but I could possibly drop a chocolate into the office in the next day or so. Graeme would like to know if it was a Twix you were trying to get. Apparently there is a Sienfeld show where George is obsessed with trying to get his Twix out of the vending machine. Yours sincerely, Maryanne."
Yes when I typed in reception the inevitable happened ... it went to the reception email of one of our members instead of the reception in our building. Luckily for me I know these members quite well. To make matters worse, at the bottom of the email was Maryanne's photograph with this huge grin. It was her standard signature at the bottom of her emails however this time I knew it was laughing at me.
To cut the story short I phone them and we had a good laugh about it. This morning however I got handed a package. I never get mail at work so this was an unusual occurrence. By now you have most likely guessed that Graeme had sent me a chocolate. I was half expecting it to be a Twix but it was a boost, and equally as yummy (but sooo against my diet).
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Meet Bo
It is official. We have a new family member. Her name is Bo (after Bo Derek apparently) and she is an 8 year old Pomeranian. Her previous owner had three of them and needed to re-home one. The only thing preventing us was Tessa's reaction so we arranged to meet on neutral ground. It kinda sounds like the American Civil War really North vs South. In this case it was South meets North and I think South won this one.
Anyway back to the story. Tess was her usual wimpy self. Not only was there another dog but there were children and people she didn't know. There was also a big wide park at our disposal and all we did was sit on a chair. A long car drive with the lead always means a walk not a sit.
Mum fell immediately in love so there was no question of whether or not we were going to take her. Tess will have her nose out of joint for a little while but she will get over it.
Below are a couple of photo's with mum on her first evening with us. She is normally an outdoor dog but she has very quickly accustomed to the hardships of an inside dog. She loves sitting happily on your lap and is very friendly. As for sleeping arrangements mum decided that two dogs in my room was enough so Bo sleeps in with her.

Today we left all the dogs by themselves. When we came home both Bo and Tess were so excited to see us that they seemed to forget that there was some hidden competition between them (which Bo is ignoring and I think that frustrates the hell out of Tess). Rambo couldn't care less.
Tonight mum was reading the newspaper when Bo promptly plonked herself on top of it:

Anyway back to the story. Tess was her usual wimpy self. Not only was there another dog but there were children and people she didn't know. There was also a big wide park at our disposal and all we did was sit on a chair. A long car drive with the lead always means a walk not a sit.
Mum fell immediately in love so there was no question of whether or not we were going to take her. Tess will have her nose out of joint for a little while but she will get over it.
Below are a couple of photo's with mum on her first evening with us. She is normally an outdoor dog but she has very quickly accustomed to the hardships of an inside dog. She loves sitting happily on your lap and is very friendly. As for sleeping arrangements mum decided that two dogs in my room was enough so Bo sleeps in with her.
Today we left all the dogs by themselves. When we came home both Bo and Tess were so excited to see us that they seemed to forget that there was some hidden competition between them (which Bo is ignoring and I think that frustrates the hell out of Tess). Rambo couldn't care less.
Tonight mum was reading the newspaper when Bo promptly plonked herself on top of it:
"What do you mean, It's your newspaper?"
"what did you push me off for? I was comfy."
"Give it a minute or two and I will try again."
MUM: "Look this is my paper."
BO: "We need to talk. This house is not big enough for the 5 of us. I only counted 4 bedrooms ...."
"... now see this house here, I think that would be perfect."
"Darn it, I got downsized."
Friday, 8 May 2009
Lots to tell
Since my last post I have been very busy. Lots has happened. Where to begin. Hmmmm. I think I shall start by introducing my nemesis. It does not have a name just yet but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As many of you know I will lose my car park by the end of June. While working for one of the banks I had the misfortune of travelling on public transport and I vowed never to do it again. I always fall asleep on public transport and quite frankly some of the stops are getting quite violent. It was with great pleasure that I went out and bought my first scooter ... and at the rate I am going, probably my last. So here it is. I call it my nemesis because as much as I like it, it does not like me. I turn corners from a standing position and end up on the neighbours front lawn. I am sure it was laughing at me when that happened. Who need and artificial intelligent robot when you have a scooter with a mind of it's own. On the up side if I ever do get the knack of riding it I will enjoy the freezing cold winter mornings and the boiling hot summer sun, the rain and road wash from other vehicles, just because the 50 km trek to work and home again is cheaper than public transport.
You may be wondering how I managed to get it home. Luckily a friend of mum's is a postie and drives a motor bike everyday. He (Gil) helped me to choose it. It also meant that he drove it home for me. Yes HE rode my little pink scooter home. Now you must picture Gil. He is Filipino, not skinny but not big either. In fact if the scooter wasn't pink he would have look right at home on the scooter I am sure (sorry Gil). It was therefore rather amusing when stopped at some lights a large muscular man in his leathers an on a MAN bike pulled up behind him. I think Gil did a double take when he saw this and apparently the MAN bike man gave him a big grin and the thumbs up. To make matters more amusing a female rode up on another bike that was definitely not a MAN bike but most certainly not a scooter either. Poor Gil. :)
So will I ever get to ride this pink two wheeled, mind of its own contraption, or will I sell it for a profit? Who knows. All I know is that the end of June is coming up fast and I am getting no where quickly on it.

In other news we had a small visitor the other day. The outside tap has a tendency to leak on occasion so we have placed a bucket to catch the water. Mum had placed a pot plant in there to get some water. Somehow our little guest ended up marooned on the pot inside the bucket. How he got there we are not sure but there was no way he was getting out with all that water around him. Yes he was shedding at the time as well.

Last but not least I have completed two canvases of inchies, one small and one large. The large one is for sale if anyone is interested. I am going to try and get my etsy store up soon (yeah another thing I keep saying I'm gonna do). Most of the inchies you will have seen in my slide show on an earlier post. The first picture below is the small one. I had no theme to it other than the colour. All pictures after that are of the bird one.

You may be wondering how I managed to get it home. Luckily a friend of mum's is a postie and drives a motor bike everyday. He (Gil) helped me to choose it. It also meant that he drove it home for me. Yes HE rode my little pink scooter home. Now you must picture Gil. He is Filipino, not skinny but not big either. In fact if the scooter wasn't pink he would have look right at home on the scooter I am sure (sorry Gil). It was therefore rather amusing when stopped at some lights a large muscular man in his leathers an on a MAN bike pulled up behind him. I think Gil did a double take when he saw this and apparently the MAN bike man gave him a big grin and the thumbs up. To make matters more amusing a female rode up on another bike that was definitely not a MAN bike but most certainly not a scooter either. Poor Gil. :)
So will I ever get to ride this pink two wheeled, mind of its own contraption, or will I sell it for a profit? Who knows. All I know is that the end of June is coming up fast and I am getting no where quickly on it.
In other news we had a small visitor the other day. The outside tap has a tendency to leak on occasion so we have placed a bucket to catch the water. Mum had placed a pot plant in there to get some water. Somehow our little guest ended up marooned on the pot inside the bucket. How he got there we are not sure but there was no way he was getting out with all that water around him. Yes he was shedding at the time as well.
Last but not least I have completed two canvases of inchies, one small and one large. The large one is for sale if anyone is interested. I am going to try and get my etsy store up soon (yeah another thing I keep saying I'm gonna do). Most of the inchies you will have seen in my slide show on an earlier post. The first picture below is the small one. I had no theme to it other than the colour. All pictures after that are of the bird one.
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