This was the best day so far but also the day that broke the bank. It is the day that breaks the bank every year really and the is the annual craft and quilt fair. Since I did photography at TAFE I have had my eye on an easy to use angle mat board cutter. It is so much cheaper than getting a framer to do it for you and the tool is easier than the one at TAFE! Yes this year I gave in and purchased it. Considering I now have an ABN I can probably get it off on tax. Below are some photo's of embossed paper, funky ribbons, stamps and other things that were purchased. Oh yeah instead of stork scissors now you can by scissoroo scissors.
One other thing is that we found out that WA is not going to have daylight savings next year. This doesn't really worry me but I feel for those who have business affiliations with the Eastern States as it will make us 3 hours behind.
Got to work only to hear my Manager walking around saying that our department will be sticking to daylight savings time next summer. Not happy with that. I will be an hour out of whack with the rest of my own state! It also means I will be at work at 6:30am. I'M A NIGHT PERSON DAMMIT!
This was also the day I got my chocolate in the mail. If you don't know about it then read the blog entry titled Email Woopsie.
Went to a telephone etiquette course (did these once a year with the Bank). It was a good day off work. I got to sleep in. There were only 3 of us in the class. We had bells on our table that we had to ring to acknowledge someone who provided a good answer to a question (lame). By the end of the day we were just hitting them for fun. We even hit our own bells to acknowledge ourselves!!!
Nothing much today. I made up 5 pages of photos to print out for inchies.
Over night there had been some strong winds and some rain. I noticed as I pulled into the car park that it was flooded and that the drains were not coping. The water wasn't deep but it covered my feet and I had to walk barefoot to the stairwell. I noticed a loud sound like water fall as I got out of the car and noticed that there was heaps of water gushing out of a down pipe, into the sand garden and then into the car park. Found out where the water was coming from. Let me tell you, bare feet on concrete that never gets wet (because it is covered parking) tend to slip thanks to the buildup of oil. It was really slimy but thanks to the garden losing it's sand I had a couple of sand bars to walk on. And so it was that I walked into work barefoot. Dean comes in around 3 am (don't know why) and he said the building had been without water since he had been in. I knew there had not been enough rain over night for this sort of damage so we figured it was a burst pipe. It was, and it was not fixed until after lunch.
If you haven't guessed it by now the fact that the building had no water meant no toilets. By 9am I was bursting. We were given permission to leave the building and go to the shopping centre a few minutes walk away or to the park loo's. I chose the park one because it was closer and electric. The door opens onto a main road and remains open until someone closes it. Therefore the rain had gotten in (at least I hope it was the rain). The floor was disgusting, the seat was wet, the toilet paper was thinner than tissue paper and the toilet was not within reaching distance of the button for the door in case it decided to open. I must admit I was tempted considering my condition at the time but I just couldn't bring myself so I went to the shopping centre instead. Once I sat, I was in Heaven.
Just before lunch the wind picked up big time and the rain came down. The rain didn't know where it was going thanks to the wind. It was going in all directions, even up!
At the end of the day the car park was void of water but full of garden gunk.
When I arrived home mum had managed to get Bo to the vets where she had a trim and a check over. Well it was supposed to be a trim. The groomer took one look at her, felt the thickness of her coat near her skin and said, "she's getting shaved." After that she met the vet and got her vaccinations. She is also now the second dog in the house on tablets because she has a not so nice rash on her skin that was hidden by her fur. If the antibiotics don't work she will be put on cortisone (she can share Rambo's). The vet also checked out her limp and it sounds like her knee cap is getting displaced. If she continues to limp then she could get really bad arthritis so it may mean an opperation.
Of course she won the hearts of every one at the vets. While mum was paying for her she kept running out the back to see everyone. :) My other dogs can't wait to leave the place.
Below are some photo's of Bo's new do. You can see her rash in some of the pictures and apparently she is too fat so she will be coming on daily walks with the fatties of the house: me, mum and Tess. The first photo shows off her belly well and truly. The funny thing about her hairdo is that to the other dogs it's like she is a new dog. They are following her everywhere.
Now we can't decide what she looks like ... the vet thought a wombat and mum thinks she has a rabbits stocky body with a possums face. I think she looks just fine. No more sleeping at the front door for the draft to cool her off though. She sticking to the room with the heater.
Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. Hopefully it will be peaceful.
1 comment:
Gosh thats a lot to happen and its only Friday today!!!! Bo looks so cute with her new hairdo! (glad you opted for the shopping centre loo or you could of had even more to share!!!)
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