It was Friday the 13th. The day went smoothly with no hiccups or disasters. The classes were informative and enjoyable. I went shopping at lunch time for an outfit for the banquet on Saturday night (forgot to bring something) and made it back in time for the afternoon events. I even won a prize at the general session. Sorry can't share because it is from the new catalogue not due out for a couple of months.
That evening we all went our separate ways for dinner. I was a little worried when one of the girls said she was going to the footy, in Melbourne, wearing her Eagles scarf, and the Eagles weren't even playing. I half expected to see her on the late news being loaded into a ambulance with a caption "Eagle gets lost!"
A small group of us had prearranged a lovely evening with a wonderful gentleman by the name of Count Dracula. He quite often had dinner parties so we arranged for VIP tickets. In order to get there, we had to take 4 taxis. Each taxi had a foreign driver. Ours could barely speak english and did not know Melbourne at all. He kept asking us where Dracula's place was and we could only give him the street name.
Ours was the last taxi to leave and we thought we would never get there. The first taxi left 5 minutes before us but arrived last. They had the same problem with their taxi driver. I am sure the Taxi company deliberately employs foreigners who do not know where they are or how to speak the language so that they can get more money out of us. I am never again complaining about the taxis in Perth!
Upon entering Dracula's via the red carpet, we were greeted with by a bald headed creepy looking little man who thought he was a comedian. We were specifically informed that cameras were not to be used. Something to do with melting the staff I believe.
We caught a train into the dining area. Really need to talk to the count about where is train goes. There were skeletons and cobwebs everywhere. I swear that is a broken air-conditioning pipe as well because we were blasted by a burst of air just before the train came to a stop. Scared the bejeezers out of me.
Dinner was lovely, our waitress, Absynth, refused to tell me where she bought her lovely sparkly green lipstick, and the stage show was hilarious. I would recommend to anyone going to Melbourne that they go visit Dracula's. The only disappointment was that the Count himself was not there.
This was my entree. The finger was so delicious.

Alas this was the final day of convention. No one wanted to leave. Here are a couple of photos of Bindi and myself with some of the SU staff. Oops just accidentally deleted. Sorry been having so many issues downloading photos to blogger tonight that I am not going to try. Will put it on tomorrow.
My cousin Tina came and picked me up at the short stay apartment in the morning and back to where she lives. I suppose for Melbourne it really was just around the corner. Luckily for me, it was a day when we could go to a VIP wharehouse sale. Nothing was over $6. I bought 16 items of clothing for around $50. The jeans alone, that I got, had a price tag of $60. There was so much there I would have bought if I was slimmer, but it was probably a good thing that I wasn't. My suitcase was already bulging and I still had a week to go.
That afternoon I was planning on some "me" time while Tina and Rowen went off to a birthday party. The next day was going to be a shopping day where we caught up with mum before I headed down south to see an old Primary School friend, Nicole. Luckily for me, Nicole messaged me for Tina and Rowan left, to confirm I would be arriving that evening. I quickly double checked my ticket and realised that, yes, I had to catch the train that night, and not the next. My "me" time ended up madly doing my washing time and packing a small bag for the next couple of days down south.
I really felt bad because I thought I had planned enough time with Tina and did not realise that I accidentally booked the train a day earlier than expected.
I caught the train to Warrnambool and met Nicole and her husband. They live out in the bush and I could not wait to see it in the daylight. I miss the bush. Especially the sort you get in the Eastern States. West Australian bush is scraggly and suited to desert. It is rare to see a rich green pasture with rich green trees.
Obviously Melbourne was a while ago now, and I am madly trying to catch up with my blog posts. I have had a week without the computer while it was getting a service. It could have been just one day, but I actually enjoyed not having it as it forced me to do other things than sit on facebook. :) Well it is back now. I will put further updates on tomorrow.
1 comment:
I've been so much more productive since scaling back on my computer time. Mind you being sick helps because all I want to do is sit on the couch and knit...
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