Sunday, 30 November 2008
Crafting Joanne
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Pop goes the weasle
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Catch Up
I am in the process of possibly changing careers. I have looked more into my own Internet business and the more I look into it the more viable it becomes. I can contract out to my clients as well if they need assistance with the software. Not sure when it will happen but I am hoping to be out of an office with all its politics and into my own work from home business by the end of the financial year. Fingers crossed and God willing.
In a previous post I mentioned my wonderful, wonderful Uncle and how he put a reverse cycle air-con in my studio. Below is a photo of him. I am not sure if he is taking a breather or if he is thinking about how to fix the leg on the table that broke when he fell on it. As you can see he is ok and that is the main thing. The mess on the floor is everything that fell off the table.
I have also had some more fun with creating ATCs. I love the one below but I am yet to meet someone else who likes it. I think the words rebellious and disorderly written above her head on the burnt paper is perfect. The silver paper is also burnt. It was a thick wrapping paper which when put near heat the silver side crinkled. The other goldy part is gesso with rub and buff on it. The charm has gloss accent in it and it really illuminates the colour of the rub and buff.
This next one was created at Kelsey's ATC class at Scraptivate. It is done mosaic style using embossing powder and cutting a picture. Check out her blog it is so full of creative ideas.
This one is a photo I took of Karina (I hope I spelt it correctly this time otherwise she will shoot me the next time I see her). I have used sparkling H2Os for the background, crackled the arch and in the arch I have mica flakes (love the mica). Her wings are a rub on that I painted with the H2Os and then covered with the glossy accent. I have to keep it hidden from her mother until she makes her own! :)
The technique used here is bleaching which is what I learnt in my first ATC class. The stamp is embossed in a clear powder so the dark blue you can see is the original colour of the card before I bleached the hell out of it . The orange background is actually a red piece of card that I also bleached
Finally this last one turned out much better than I thought it would. In fact it doesn't look anything like I originally planned. The photo is a picture of one of the Bollywood stars. I don't know her name but I love her eyes. This image was black and white with a hint of colour. Her hair had a tinge of auburn that I really liked. As the background progressed I thought she would disappear so I took a piercing tool and scratched away at her hair. I then used the bleach again. The colour of the hair came through as reds shading through to yellow. I did not touch up the colour on her hair. Actually this photo does not do it justice. It is one of my favourites at the moment.
Friday, 7 November 2008
Dare 42: String

I can't wait to get started on some more fun. I need to tidy up a bit though - again, as per usual! I have no excuse not to go into my craft studio anymore. My wonderful, wonderful Uncle has put up a reverse cycle air conditioner so that when it is 40 degrees outside it's not 55 degrees in the shed. It was also raining the day that he did it and it meant that half his time in Perth visiting was taken up with finding, purchasing, and mounting the air-con.
This now means I need to get to work organising the shed in a way that I can also store all my mixed media stuff as well. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I currently have a stack of racks that store my papers but that takes up sooooo much room.
Anyway I promise more photos on the way of some of the things I have been working on.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
String Teaser
I went to my Journal Junkies afternoon today. It is fun getting together with everyone. Carmen taught me how to use soot in my art work without burning the building down (photos another day). Vivian dropped in to say hi. Joanie is back from Canada (she mean - she didn't take me with her). We would have all been there if Suzanne hadn't gotten herself sick yesterday.
Anyway I spent the first half of the afternoon completing my string challenge for Aussie Dares. I have put some teasers below before I show the finished product
- Think of how you can manipulate different types of string and then come up with a design to incorporate them.
- Cut out the shape of your design from some thin card. In pencil draw internal external lines of your design onto some thing cardboard and then cut it out.
- Place wax paper on top of some firm foam and place your design cut out on top
- String Circle - I used cotton string for this as it is nice and fine however any string will do depending on how big you want the circles. Put a drop of glue onto some wax paper; pin one end of the string in the centre of the glue. To stop the string from spinning around when you form your circle place another pin in the paper close to the first pin. This allows you to wrap the string in a circular motion until you have achieved the size you want. I used another pin or reverse end of a pencil to push the string into the glue. When the glue is dry, remove the pins and pull the circles away from the wax paper ready for use in your design.
- In the below picture I have two other techniques aside from the circles. First I took some packing string (twine), frayed it and then cut it into fine slivers which I then sprinkle onto an area of glue. The second technique (shown below the circles) is making use of three types of string: twine (brown), fine cotton (green), and a loosely woven household type of cotton string (white). I cut the green into two lengths and knotted them at one end before I secured it to the foam with a pin anchor. Both the brown and white had various lengths all cut the same. One at a time fold each length in half and tie the green around it a short way from the loop. Repeat for the next colour placing each length close to each other on the green. Once you have enough, fray each end of the string so that it opens up nice an full. A pin will be sufficient to do this.
- To block out a whole section I would put some glue on the cardboard design, pin the end of the string and move it in an up and down motion to create lines. At the top and bottom of each row I would use a ping to hold it in place.
- I also plaited the string and also just glued down plain cut lengths.
- WARNING: This is very time consuming and not good if you have bad wrists.
Any ideas as to what it is? You only have today to guess because I am sure the finished product will be on Aussie Dares tomorrow. Oh if you were at the Journal Junkies you are not allowed to tell.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Has it been over a week ...
I can't believe it has been that long since I sat down and blogged something. I have been creating but I am not sure if I can put it on my blog because I am doing something special for my ex boss that involves his baby boy. Yes the one who thinks Scrapbooking should not have the letter 's' in it. Would you believe I showed him my ATC's that I have created and he actually liked them. If I had had a thermometer with me I would have handed it to him and tell him to shove it somewhere because I don't think he was at all well.
I would have posted some of my ATC's on here but mum has gone out for the day and taken the camera. After all it is hers. I would use mine but it is not good with closeups and doesn't take a small shot very well. Anyway instead here is a gorgeous pup I receive in my inbox yesterday.