Monday, 26 February 2007
Thunder, Lightning & a Fire Alarm
I had only been at work for an hour when the thunder started. It was continuous, never stopping for a break. The view from my window is of a large hotel so I only caught a hint of the fact that the light display was still on. I thought it would be great to be somewhere high up right now, with my camera, capturing it all.
And so it was in mid thought that a particularly loud clash of thunder boomed overhead. In answer to it's call our fire alarm rang out.
My colleagues and I looked at each other and then looked outside. Our evacuation area was 500m out in the open by the Esplanade. Though it had not rained yet we knew there was a lot of potential. So we waited. After a couple of minutes the alarm was still going and there was no announcement that it was false.
A fire warden came to our door and directed us to the nearest exit. Only one of us out of the entire building had an umbrella.
Instead of heading down the hill to the esplanade we stood under the shelter of the drop of zone one of large hotels. A police car sirened its alarm and came to a hand break stop in the middle of the intersection. A fire engine followed and attempted to do a u-turn back to our office building. All around us the lightning flashed.
Eventually we decided we should head towards the usual assembly area as they may be worried about where we were. Down there we had a clear view of the Swan River and how the storm was circling us.
Within 30 minutes of evacuating we were told it was a false alarm and headed back towards the main body of people only to be told we could not go back into the building yet. An hour later the heavens opened upon us as buckets of water fell heavily on the city. Even undercover there was little shelter from the almost horizontal rain.
When the okay was given we through all protocol out the window and dashed across the street where ever we could. By the time I got back to the office I was wet through (yes thin white shirt). The air conditioner was cool and I soon got quite cold.
By afternoon the sun came out bright and hot. Humidity was here to do it's dirty work. The air conditioner chose this time to die and for 4 hours we all sweltered.
I relished hopping into my air conditioned car and driving home.
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Anthony Callea
Chris Murphy started the concert off. He was good but too many people were still walking around and it was too hot to get up and dance.
Friday, 23 February 2007
Motor Way Musings
Every morning I end up behind the same car with the girls name on the number plate. I quite often see the same courier van that has a sticker on the back saying how reliable he is and then an even larger one beneath asking "which planet am I on?" Then you have your new lovers which on occasion I have had in front of me at that stage of the traffic which is drive 5m and stop for 2 minutes. These two just can't keep their hands off each other and are kissing every 5 seconds. Sometimes I feel like telling them to get a room. Am I jealous? Yeah probably. It is interesting watching people's reactions in the cars around them too.
I see these people everyday and yet I don't know them. It is a shame really when you think about it. Imagine what it would be like to have a street party??? The invitations would read:
TO: anyone who is stuck in traffic on X Rd in X suburb leading into the city between the times of 8:30 and 9am.
REASON: Get to know your fellow roadies.
I can see it now. Everyone would get to know the person in the car next to them and peak hour traffic wouldn't become such a drag anymore. You could lean out the window and ask the courier guy what planet he was on today? You could tell the personalised number plate girl that you really like what she did with her hair this morning. Wouldn't life be so much more interesting that way?
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
I have played around with the sizing in the scripting for it but that didn't work.
One of these days I will be blessed with the knowledge of how to set up a blog, and then they will go and change all the rules. :)
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Iced Coffee - the continuing saga
Arriving at work I find 40 emails for my immediate attention. My stomach growls, it has had no breakfast and before I even know that I am doing it I am across the road at small takeaway restaurant buying none other than iced coffee.
Oh the shame of it. I did not even last one day of my challenge. If only there was a support group for those wishing to give up coffee.
Never fear I will struggle on. One day I will wake up and shout "Coffee be gone with you." And it will be gone, and I will be pleased.
And thus is the end of my story, for now. Short and sweet (shock horror).
Monday, 12 February 2007
Precious Pup No. 4 PART B
- Look at it intensely and dare it to move
- Paw at it, if it moves jump back quickly and start all over again until it is safe to continue to point 3.
- If no movement then sniff it
- Having deemed it safe, time to taste test. If death does not occur immediately then it must be edible.
The two very memorable times when his occurred. The first time I was having a bubble bath. I had only had Tess a week but I was most definitely hers and was not to be out of her sight. Learning quickly that a crack in the doorway can be made wider by pushing, in trundled Tess to see what I was up to. Some bubbles fell on the floor when I moved (yeah I had it pretty bubbly). She stopped and stared at it. Every now and then a small bubble would burst. After a while (all thoughts about me forgotten) she starting pawing at it. More bubbles burst. She sat down and watched. Every now and then her gaze would lift up and see me surrounded by this white stuff. If she wanted to get to me she had to conquer the white stuff. She moved in cautiously, took a big sniff, and sneezed 3 times. Well that didn't hurt. It was time for the final test, and it tasted great. After finishing off the small amount left she attempted to join me in the bath. She was too little so chose to just stand there and lick the bubbles instead.
About a month later the following happened:
It was a nice sunny day and Tess and Rambo ventured out into the back yard. Rambo to walk the perimeter and make sure every thing was ship shape and secure; Tess to hinder his every move by biting his ear or his paws or lean on his back. As the afternoon wore on clouds came over and a very light mist of rain started to fall. Rambo decided it was time to head inside. Tess followed, but she hadn't seen rain before so she decided to stand under cover of the porchand watch. Rambo stood at the door and watched what she was doing. Out went her paw. "Hmm that was wet!" Out went her nose for a little sniff but quickly came back in as was hit with little droplets of water. Out went the tongue, "It's just water, I drink this stuff." And so my blond poodle decided she was thirsty and tried to lick all the rain in as it fell. Rambo by now had literally shaken his head, said "youngin's" and walked inside. Tess then decided that being on the porch was not letting her get a decent mouthful so she ran out into the rain and dig zig zags all over the back yard with her tongue hanging out.
Why she doesn't like water now I will never know!
The picture at the top is one that I took after her first professional haircut (yeah I gave it a go and it took over 4 hours though she did sit very happily for me-I even had to wake her to move her). In this picture she is about to jump out at me. I told her to wait one more time and it turned out to be the best shot. As soon as I said okay, she flew at me and gave me a hug. She loves her mum.
Friday, 9 February 2007
Precious Pup No. 4 PART A
I am so annoyed with myself. I went looking in my photo album for 3 of my favourite photographs of this pup and all I saw were empty spaces. I have been hunting hi and low looking for them for the last hour. It's like losing the first few photographs of your child because that is what this pup is to me. I obviously took them out and showed someone and forgot to put them back in. That is sooo me! At least I found one of them.
It was Dec 2000 and I had recently returned from a 6 week holiday overseas to 3 friends planning weddings and another 3 getting engaged. (This started the two year wedding, bang one after the other). Anyway as single as any person can get returning to reality and then having to listen to wedding talk became a bit of a downer really. Tess had been gone for around two years and Rambo was still as playful as a rock.
January came and the pups turned 8 weeks old. I had seen them a few times and had fun playing with them. They just have a knack at making you feel special. Anyway my friend saw me at church and said that all but one of the pups had gone. This pup had been a popular but they wanted it to go to a home they new for sure it would be looked after. It was Twitch. They couldn't afford to keep her as well the mum. Because my birthday was coming up and because they wanted visiting rights I could have her for half price. I was so excited.
"Come on old man it's time to play!"
"If I stay still long enough I might make a getaway!"
"I'm all for baby sitting as long as they remain sitting."
"Can she go home now?"
"A weekend right, that's all it is!"
"What! Don't you want me to stay longer?"
"I'm so sweet and innocent, who wouldn't want me?"
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Colour Swap 2 Part 2
Studying to be a Home Ec teacher and doing electives
I have also dabbled in quilting and applique, decorative wall hangings, hand painted bedspreads for my cousins kids and surrounded a mirror with my large shell collection. I have also tried my hand at decoupage with textured background painting. I started on wooden books and then moved onto trays. You will note that even my typewriter (which was nicked from work because they were throwing them in the bin) got a face lift.
My cousin went to South Africa and found some beaded lizards. I borrowed one to copy and manage to sell a few of these as well. People have been hanging them in t
After having a play with wire and beads I tried my hand a jewellery. I started simple with the tiger wire but then moved onto making my own links and swirly creations. I made over 200 necklaces and earrings that were sold at my old work for charity. I only kept a couple. They aren't necessarily my best but here they are none the less.
Colour Swap 2
1. What are your top three favorite colors? Currently I like teal blue and brown, but anything earthy
2. What crafts do you really enjoy? Scrapbooking
3. What products do you really covet? Anthything scrapbooking, unusual papers or embellishments.
4. What other activities do you enjoy besides your favorite crafty things? Sleep so that doesn't help you.
5. Is there anything you collect? Scrapbooking stuff (I am trying to turn it into a business)
6. What is your zodiac sign and/or Chinese zodiac symbol? I don't believe in this stuff but I am an aquarius
7. What are your favourite bands - Ah Nee Mah (instrumental realaxation music) …authors? Terry Pratchet I have all his books …animals? that would be dogs-small ones but I love all cute and cuddly animals …season? Autumn but not the Aussie one as we don't get the beautiful colours in the trees …
8. Do you have any wish lists? If you see anything Canadian in the scrapbooking that would be great. I went there and have nothing to embelish my photo's with.
9. Are you allergic to anything? no
10. Do you have any pets? A miniature poodle and a chihuahua
11. Please include anything else you would like your secret pal to know about you- anything that would be helpful in finding you little gifts that you will really enjoy. Not sure, but anything quirky and out of the norm. If that is too hard then anything will do. I am not fussy.
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Precious Pup No. 3

The drive home was interesting as all he wanted to do was get up high. He ended up on my shoulders and I couldn't get him down. This only lasted a little while. When old age hit him around one year he became like an old woman. I think Tinks being old at the time and never playful didn't do any help.
He remained nameless for a week as we really couldn't think of anything that fitted. One day a friend knocked at my door, as usual the little boy went all protective and barked his little head off. We told my friend we couldn't think of a name and then suddenly he said it for us. It was a strong name that would make this small, scrawny little thing feel like a Rottweiler at the door: RAMBO. Hey at least it sounds good telling Rambo to shut up at the door.
So what is Rambo like? In his first year of life he had guts. He climbed the heights of the lounge onto the kitchen table (small house) and attacked a vicious paper book fall of well meaning thoughts. In mum's letter to me about the whole incident it was "YOUR DOG." He was always my dog when he was bad. Considering I wasn't there for much of his first 3 years of life he soon became mum's dog.
At around 4 years he filled out into a solid but still little dog. Not a single bit of fat on him. Like a real man he patrol ed the perimeter of the back yard. The garden had permanent tracks in it where he walked. If someone came into the house his hair would stand on end and he would warn them off with a loud bark ... from underneath the table hidden in between the chair legs.
His favourite game (which happened very rarely) was to get into a sudden hyperactive mood and jump from mum's lap across the floor and onto mine, then back again. Of course he had to get a scratch each time he landed on us though otherwise the game would be over.
Overall though he is a real sook. He only wants to know about you if you are going to scratch his belly, behind the ears and on the rump. He is the fussiest eater. He won't touch any kind of pet food unless it is a doggy treat like schmaco's or meaty bites. He thinks he is human in that he has to have something different every night ... sausage tonight, chicken leftovers last night, mince meat and veg tomorrow night. If he doesn't want it he won't eat it. He can go three nights without eating.
Now he his older they play very rarely. Rambo has developed bad allergies to everything in nature and is forever scratching. The tablets he is on make him fat and really skittish. Any noise out of the ordinary IE a hole punch, and he is out of the room like a shot. He has a
Friday, 2 February 2007
Precious Pup No. 2
In Memory of Two Special Pets
With tears of grief and heavy hearts we said goodbye to you
Animal friends as sweet as you have been a precious few
You stayed with us and played with us and gave us all your love
Now we give the gift of peace to you and thank our Lord above for the years you joined our family with your patient, gentle face
We'll always keep you in our hearts in a very special place.
All the memories you made with us are surley here to stay
For what love has already given us death could never take away.
(Kimberly Rinehart)