The drive home was interesting as all he wanted to do was get up high. He ended up on my shoulders and I couldn't get him down. This only lasted a little while. When old age hit him around one year he became like an old woman. I think Tinks being old at the time and never playful didn't do any help.
He remained nameless for a week as we really couldn't think of anything that fitted. One day a friend knocked at my door, as usual the little boy went all protective and barked his little head off. We told my friend we couldn't think of a name and then suddenly he said it for us. It was a strong name that would make this small, scrawny little thing feel like a Rottweiler at the door: RAMBO. Hey at least it sounds good telling Rambo to shut up at the door.
So what is Rambo like? In his first year of life he had guts. He climbed the heights of the lounge onto the kitchen table (small house) and attacked a vicious paper book fall of well meaning thoughts. In mum's letter to me about the whole incident it was "YOUR DOG." He was always my dog when he was bad. Considering I wasn't there for much of his first 3 years of life he soon became mum's dog.
At around 4 years he filled out into a solid but still little dog. Not a single bit of fat on him. Like a real man he patrol ed the perimeter of the back yard. The garden had permanent tracks in it where he walked. If someone came into the house his hair would stand on end and he would warn them off with a loud bark ... from underneath the table hidden in between the chair legs.
His favourite game (which happened very rarely) was to get into a sudden hyperactive mood and jump from mum's lap across the floor and onto mine, then back again. Of course he had to get a scratch each time he landed on us though otherwise the game would be over.
Overall though he is a real sook. He only wants to know about you if you are going to scratch his belly, behind the ears and on the rump. He is the fussiest eater. He won't touch any kind of pet food unless it is a doggy treat like schmaco's or meaty bites. He thinks he is human in that he has to have something different every night ... sausage tonight, chicken leftovers last night, mince meat and veg tomorrow night. If he doesn't want it he won't eat it. He can go three nights without eating.
It was a couple of years before we got precious pup number four, but when she arrived he had no idea what hit him. Here was this little ball off fluff half his size that took over his life. Play! What was this thing called play and why does she insist on doing it every second of the day? He was good though. He would either join in (more out of self defence I am sure) or he would ignore the fact that his leg was being gnawed on. Quite often he would find she drape herself over his back, he would walk away but she would walk sideways still hanging on. (photo's later)
We had just finished training the both of them that the spare chairs were not for the four legged family members of the house when my Aunt's came to visit. A towel was then permanently placed on the chair. When the new lounge arrived two years ago they both found themselves floor bound unless laps were available.
Now he his older they play very rarely. Rambo has developed bad allergies to everything in nature and is forever scratching. The tablets he is on make him fat and really skittish. Any noise out of the ordinary IE a hole punch, and he is out of the room like a shot. He has a
Getting nice photo's of him are difficult to say the least. He always looks guilty. In his younger days we could catch him unawares but not now.
Anyway speaking of the boy, he is now curled up at my feet. Time to let him out I think.
Stay tuned for Precious Pup No. 4
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