Motor Neurone Disease is a horrible way to die and there is currently no cure. We have also found that there are not many who are aware of it. My Aunt was in a high care nursing home with staff who could not stay with her as often as was needed. They barely even understood what the disease was until someone came out from the MND Association to explain what she was going through and what would happen. It was not the best place for her to be but there was no else to go. Hospitals would not take her.
There seems to be a gap in the system somewhere. Somewhere between what the nursing home can do and what the hospitals would consider palliative care is a black hole where people like my Aunt and their families have to struggle. My Uncle was constantly by her side because there were not enough staff to constantly check on her (an issue everywhere).
I have mentioned this because the only group that can really assist is the MND Association. They are a non profit organisation that survives on donations. Please check out the web site here and if you can may a small donation that would be great. If it weren't for the assistance of the Association things for us would have been a lot worse.
Three of 6 siblings. Taken in December last year when she first moved to the nursing home.
Sending hugs your way, Kerin.
Please give your mum a hug from me to. Wish I could be there with you guys.
Really sorry to hear of your loss Kerin. MND is such a cruel disease and I'm glad your Aunt is at peace now.
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