Just before I left for Adelaide I received an email from Donia, my FCS3 pal (who I bought for) that she had received the package from me. She really likes it which is good. Donia is mainly a knitter but does a little scrap booking on the rare occasion from what I understand (or at least wants to). She also collects magnets from around the world, and loves chocolates. Soon after the colour swap started her cat, Louis passed away. I knew exactly what she was going through and went looking for a plush toy that at least resembled him. It ended up being black and not grey. Anyway she loved it which is the main thing.
As you can see I sent her some Macadamia Chocolate (of course) some grey cat scrap booking to go with any pictures of Louis and an Aussie bookmark considering she loves to read.
These are the magnets that mum and I managed to find. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a nice Aussie magnet. The kangaroo wobbles his head.

This is the plush cat I sent. He can sit on the back of her chair like Louis used to. I also sent a small glass cat that will sit on her desk. She has a new cat now called Sybella. If you click on this link you will be able to read about Sybella's reaction to the plush cat
Now here is something I have never heard of before, even my mother, who is an avid knitter did not know what stitch markers were (well she did but she only used paper clips). It appears to the rage, when it comes to knitting, to use fancy stitch markers. I managed to find a few pictures on the web that gave me an idea but was still not sure if I made them correctly. Below are the stitch markers that I made. When I took the photo they were still waiting for rings to go on them (I believe they attach to the needle???)
The best thing about the swap is that I now have new friends which I otherwise would not have met.
Beautiful, Beautiful Kerin. You are one inspired young lady. God bless you.
The stitch markers look fabulous! So do the other goodies, but you know I'm a knitter first.
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