Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
April 25th is a public holiday in Australia and New Zealand. Initially it commemorated the landing of the ANZACS at Gallipoli in WWI. What is now known as ANZAC Cove was the place where 8,000 Australian men lost their lives.
ANZAC Day now commemorates not only the men who fought at Gallipoli but also the men and women who have been involved in wars since, such as WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the list goes on.
And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda is a song that follows a Diggers (Australian Soldier) journey at Gallipoli and subsequent years after it. This particular version is sung by John Williamson. It is not that clear for those of you who may struggle with the Aussie accent, however the images say it all. There is another video that is very clear but for some reason the person who created it has put a lot of images showing Canadian photos and the Canadian Flag. Don't get me wrong here, the Canadian Soldiers deserve as much remembrance as our own, its just that a song that was written to commemorate the ANZACs doesn't quite fit with the Candian images.
In one verse at the end there is a line that mentions "the young people asking what are they marching for," and I am proud to say that this no longer happens. Yes those from WWI may no longer be marching but their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have taken up the march for them proudly sporting the medals of wars gone by. We say Lest we forget. I am proud that this generation of young Australians are doing their up most to never forget.
I was only 19 is another song that is sung by Redgum. It is based on the Vietnam War.
If you want to find out more about ANZAC Day click on this link.
They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we Forget
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