Thursday, 31 January 2008
Sleep Here I Come
When I arrived home D was here to massage my feet. She does pressure point therapy on your feet which was great because it has helped relax me even more and get rid of the worst of the headache.
As for the diet I am not doing great but I am doing better than what I was, whish is a bonus. In fact it is probably good because I don't want my body to go into too much shock. Obviously the headache has stopped me from exercising (devil likes to throw a spanner in the works every now and then). Coffee wise I had one glass yesterday and 3 today. Which is about a 3rd of what I usually have.
Well time to go and try this machine out and hope I get a good nights sleep and wake up headache free. I have to take two training sessions tomorrow! I am not cancelling them.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
No more procrastination
Thank you Simone for pointing me in the direction of the virtual me web site. As you will see I have put minnie me on my blog (not so mini really). I think the figure looks better than I do and that is coming from someone who thinks she is smaller than she really is. My bust for example is bigger than my backside and my my arms also come out so that they are slightly bigger than my hips. I am not however complaining about my dream image.
Sam and I had a circuit training session tonight (happens every Tuesday). I have enough exercise equipment to be able to do this. We have decided we will do it every Sunday as well considering her husband is home all day and she doesn't have to wait till he gets home to dash off.
So Tony Ferguson weight loss shakes here I come.
On another note I am getting fitted for my cpap machine on Thursday so I am hoping that I will be a lot more energised after getting a good nights sleep. It will be nice to know exactly what a good nights sleep feels like.
Monday, 28 January 2008
A year or so back a friend of mine who lived up the northern end of WA sent me this picture. It pretty much sums up how this summer is going. Oh to see snow again.
My cousin is getting married next year in QLD and has asked me to do the photo's. I am looking forward to it.
I hope I can loose some weight before then. Ruth and I have become weight loss buddies. She has all my measurements and will tell me when I have done well. I don't like going by measurements and weight because I get depressed if nothing happens and then I go out and buy food I am not supposed to. I don't want Ruth to tell me anything until I ask. Other than that I have to be brutally honest about what I had for the day food wise. For the first time ever I told her the what I had the other day and I felt so ashamed. Putting it into words makes you realise how bad it is.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
It has been too hot to do anything today though a breeze has picked up now. My friend A is bringing her little one over for a swim and a catchup. I am looking forward to that. I have also managed to get a nice headache so I am hoping that goes away before she turns up.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
I am dying for this long weekend. It was soooo hot today and I had a client who was going to drop in and see me after hours so I decided to not strip down to my bathers and hop in the pool when I got home. The client never showed and didn't call either. %#!@#$%
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Wake UP
Quite a while ago now I received the below video in an email. Even though it is about a cat it is my dog Tess through and through (except for the last part of course). In order to wake me up she will jump onto and off of the bed. She will also nuzzle my hand and paw at my face, and whinge very loudly. Oh and her toys are scattered all over the place too. Enjoy the video.
One of my friends came over last night to do some circuit training with me (yes I have enough unused exercise equipment). It was good. First time I undertook any real exercise in ages. I am hoping it will enthuse me to watch my diet a bit better and get into the spirit of actually losing weight. I have to lose 50kg which is daunting but I have to remember there are people out there who have 100kg or more to lose and they are actually doing it. If they can do it then I can do it too. Any hints on how to make water taste nicer would be greatly appreciate (not the lemon either that is not a good taste).
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Wedding Fire
Of course at every wedding there is always a little cutie to steal the show. This is G and she knew how to pose for the camera.
Eventually the firemen came and saved the day. K and I stood back and argued over who got first dibs on the ones that weren't wearing a wedding ring.
Men in uniform, hard at work. Very Hot!!
It was a lovely wedding with great company and I am glad that I could have been part of it.
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Monthly Challenge 1
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Video Fanatic
The photo is of her kissing mum. She likes to lick so look out if you get your face too close.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
INSTALLING A HUSBAND (got this in an email)
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance -- particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5 and then installed undesirable programs such as AFL 5.0, The Ashes 3.0, and Golf Clubs 4.1.Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no! avail. What can I do?Signed, Desperate.....................................................................
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System.Please enter the command: "http: I Thought You Loved Me.html" and try to download Tears 6.2 and don't forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5,Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1.Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources).
Also, do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Food 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, Tech Support
I am not sure if I mentioned that I bought my mum a small digital camera for christmas. Actually it is a joint presant but she gets priority over it. Anyway it has a reasonably good video on it. I tried it out this afternoon. It was stinking hot and we decided to hop in the pool, dog and all (not the chihuahua 'cause he loses too much fur and would hate it). Tess hates the water but she just loves floating around.
The video may take a little bit to load. Oh and yes the sound is very good so for those of you who have never heard me speak before ... well you get to hear it. May I suggest that you turn the sound down ... please. I sound like an absolute doofus.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Small things Part 2
Suffice to say he was not on a Harley Davidson!
Small Things
I can say I am not the only one who was amused by this small thing because there were at least 20 pedestrians more interested in watching the hubcap than crossing the road. Which, when you think about the old saying "small things amuse small minds," makes you wonder about the intelligence level of the office workers in Perth, myself included! :)
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Self Bound Album
I made the cover of the album using cardboard that was around 1.5mm thick. It is actually made up of 5 different pieces to allow for movement.
The spine is fake leather. I have a lot lying around the house from the 80's when I used to make string puppet emu's out of sheep skin cut offs and leather. I used a wide ribbon to cover the edges and it has really added to the character of the album. Unfortunately it is difficult to find book binding metal corners. I used a thin pliable sticky metal (normally used in sealing glass slides) on the edges. Not quite the look I wanted but it helps protect the edges. Next time I have a better idea for finishing off the ribbon so I won't need the metal strips to prevent fraying.
The centrepiece on the front is a stamp that I embossed in copper and hand coloured with water colour crayons (they are soooooo good). On the back I have used rub on letters for my name and embossed an old camera in clear.
I am only going to show a couple of the pages that are in the album as there are too many to photograph. Below is the afternoon we went to the Royal Flying Doctor Service for a tour. On these pages I have chalked the outside of the page to highlight them. I have also used brads and embossing.
These next two pages are the superpit at Kalgoorlie. You stand there looking at the pit and see this miniature trucks and loaders going about their work. That is when you turn around and see the wheels behind you and half a scoop from a loader and you realise they aren't that small at all.
I hunted everywhere for fly stickers and finally found them. The flies were always bugging dad so I put a few of them here and there in the Album. On the page below and the one above I made the photographs age by rubbing sandpaper over them. It is quite effective on the right photograph. I don't know if you can see it in the photo though.
This has to be my favourite photo of dad. He is standing in the Garden of Remembrance at the Mining Hall of Fame in Kalgoorlie. It is a Chinese garden out in the desert. Works well, like a little oasis. The paper I used is left over from Novi's engagement party album. The fish is actually imprinted on one of the pages so I cut it out. The one on this page was actually stamped through the cut out that I did and then I put clear embossing powder on it. I put the fish there because there were quite a few in the water.
On the way back from Kalgoorlie is the Ettamogah Pub. For those non Australians who read this, the Ettamogah Pub was originally a cartoon strip in the newspaper. It was so popular that there is now a pub in almost every state. It features the slanty walls and the truck on the roof just like in the cartoon. Not that you can see but I used the cuttlebug to emboss the red frame around the writing.
The main reason dad came for a visit was to see the Red Bull Air Race. The final is held here in Perth.
I took so many photographs of planes in the air and then dad said, "only send the photographs where there is something in the background." So I had to do something with all the photos of planes just in the air. I bought myself a chipboard set that is a frame in which you can push out 12 small squares. Some of the photos are flush to the page while others I have glued to the chipboard square so that they were raised up. Those one still sat flush with the frame itself and there really wasn't any clarity in the dimension so I used magic mount to make the photo's on the board itself stand higher than the frame.
It is actually very affective when you look at it. I tried to take different photographs that would show the layering. The frame itself took a while to emboss. I used a thick black powder and did about three layers.
This is one of my favourite photographs. It took patience but eventually a plane went near the moon. The plane that is traveling across the page with the jet stream, is one of the photos that had no background. In fact it is a Japanese fighter plane (not sure which war). You can't see it but I have raised it up using the magic mount. I have done this with many of the pages that have layered photos
Dad loved my car so much that I thought I should give him a photograph of it. These last two pages are more the girly type of scrap booking (somehow flowers and heavy machinery just don't mix, unless said machinery is rusting in a field full of wildflowers). I also put a photo of myself with Tessa. It is the nicest photo I have of myself but it is a couple of years old.
Well that is my album. Mandy saw me making the cover and now would like me to teach her and some others how to do it. Those of you who are near me who want to learn, please let me know. I will work out the cost of a pack and then a time we can all get together.
Saturday, 12 January 2008
New Skill
You may have noticed that I have tried to put a photograph slide show from Flikr on to my blog. For some reason it is only showing four photographs. I know why it is doing this but it will take forever for me to correct it as I have to change a setting on each individual photograph. Oh the joys.
I had a lovely day today. I spent most of it with my friend Mandy whom I have not seen since she got married last year. We went hunting for some new scrapbook stores and found a nice one close by. Each store seems to have something in abundance that the other stores don't have. This means if I want something in particular I may find myself traveling across the suburbs to get it.
My friend had a little boy on Friday. This is her second boy. She just started scrapping last year so I have bought her a few things to go with baby photos. I am hoping to go see her tomorrow though I do have work and other stuff to get done (like tidy up the craft studio because it is in such a mess after this album).
Anyway will put photos on tomorrow if I have the time.
Friday, 11 January 2008
Site Counter
Well the weekend is here and after only two days back at work I am looking forward to it. I have my glasses and have been trying to get used to them. Sometimes they drive me nutty but I am really noticing the difference when I look at a computer now.
Well I must love and leave. Nothing much to say today. I should have another scrapbook item finished soon so I will photograph it and post it on here.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
A Dogs life
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
I see a bright light ... am I dead?
No, no, it's just Kerin taking yet another photograph!
Middle Aged!!!
Even though I think I have slept solidly through the night I have on many occasions nearly fallen asleep at the wheel of my car while on the way to work. It seemed to be coming from my eyes which would refuse to stay open. You get that sensation of going cross eyed and then you realise that you have had your eyes closed for quite some time. The afternoons are bad if all I am doing is working on the computer. Days when I have training sessions are fine because I am kept busy.
My boss is aware of the situation and he is great about it. I tell you, God could not have given me a better boss (mind you he has his moments).
Anyway to get to the point I had a stay at the sleep clinic in November last year and I went to get the results today. (Mum had to drive me in because I was afraid I would fall asleep). Apparently I wake up on average 11 times an hour. No wonder I feel tired.
So this means in the last 3 months I have managed to fork out way too much money on:
- a mouth guard to stop me clenching my jaw at night and hopefully prevent my jaw from locking in the day
- glasses
- and finally I have to organise a CPAP machine to assist my breathing at night
On top of all that I have had a nasty little rash on my torso for the last 4 months that looks like it could be an allergic reaction to something and therefore have to book a visit with a dermatologist.
I suppose the cherry on the top is what my mother said today: "You are middle aged. You have to expect these things now."
Someone correct me if I am wrong but doesn't middle age start at 40!!!! I still have 5 years to go.
Monday, 7 January 2008
Glasses and finding my way
On another note I bought myself a Navman. Due to the amount of driving around that I have to do I figured that it is very beneficial (and tax deductible). I could have used it the other day when I went to Booragoon for a movie. I haven't been there for years and ended up on the wrong road and had to double back. When I got on the right road I turned the wrong way and again had to double back. My friend finally phoned me and gave me directions. I finally found the shopping centre but the directions she gave me to the cinemas didn't seem to work. I was close though but luckily a security guard drove by and I was able to ask. She was headed that way already so I followed her. My friend saw me as I came through the carpark with a security car flashing it's lights in front of me and the guard sticking her arm out the window pointing to the cinema underground car park. I actually still managed to drive passed the turn off as I didn't see it and I was also waving at my friend who was laughing at me from the bridge. Luckily no-one was behind me so I could put the car in reverse. Oh the embarrassment.
Anyway the navman will be interesting. I am not sure what maps it uses but I know that some use the maps and I do know for a fact that roads in the city have wrong information. A couple of times I have punched in the address for a business and followed the map only to find that the numbering is two blocks out, and no it is not because I am a woman because even my boss has noticed it.
I do believe that the universe needed to pick someone to bring inconsistencies to light and it chose me. Even with computers I am always the first one to get a problem. In fact people at work actually listen to me when there is an issue with my computer because guaranteed others will soon have the same issue. My boss didn't believe this until he was recently proved wrong. He thought I had accidentally done something and then someone in IT looked into it and went back to him telling him that all the State Trainers will eventually have the same problem as they had been set up incorrectly. See - it's not the user it's the idiot that sets it up in the first place.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Just before Christmas I walked into a pet store to buy the dogs their christmas treat. I couldn't resist the following. It really suits her personality ... spoilt brat, princess, tomboy!