Day 2 was Toronga Zoo (Australia Zoo is better). Oh it was open!!! You had to catch a Ferry to get there.
Me on the Ferry waiting to go
Corinne with Sydney and the Opera House in the background
The Koalas were quite active. Two in particular were jumping from tree to tree to get to the freshest leaves. The bigger one kept bullying the little one to stay away!
"I want some!'
Got chased up the branch
They bully
Old man watching from above couldn't care less
This one just wanted to sleep
Oh look they are buddies now and sharing.
I made Corinne pose for this because she doesn't like lizards. She will kill me when she sees this on here ... to balance out the embarrassment here is mine.
With a view like that I am moving in with the Giraffes
So much so that he fell in feet first and couldn't get out.
The only way out was in. I assumed that is mum with her legs in trying to help out. The other adults came running and were trumpeting away trying to help.
Eventually he got his front feet out and was pushed the rest of the way but trunks. Poor little thing probably has grazed knees now 'cause he is on his knees being pushed here.
And like all children he is right back up to where it all started in the first place.
Until Dad (gotta be dad, it was the only adult male) pulled him back down with his trunk and forced him away from the pool.
This poor, malting Kodiak bear looked so bored.
Love my Mere Cats
The seal show was great and this is my one good photo (damn camera).
This is a little package dropped by an ungrateful seagull after I gave it a chip. It flew up and plonked it one right on my spare tomato sauce. Luckily it didn't go into my lunch. And its only lucky if it lands on you.
Corinne in the Skyrail. She hates heights so posed for this photo for her kids.
On the way back to our hotel to freshen up I could see a sparkly white thing inside a the Queen Victoria building. It was the base of this tree. Isn't it gorgeous.
We freshened up and took the monorail to Darling Harbour for Dinner. This was the view from my table. Corinne did take a photo of me hugging the lamp but it was too blurred. It took 5 minutes of hugging to get it to thanks to the numerous people walking by, stopping in the way, and saying "oh look, she's hugging the post, must be getting her photo taken." Move out of the way people!!!!
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